Legal Notices
The website is owned by the company PILOS SAS.
The elements (texts, graphics) on the website belong to PILOS SAS. The site is protected by intellectual property laws. It is forbidden to reproduce it, in whole or in part, in its form or content. Such representation or reproduction, by any means, constitutes counterfeiting punishable by Articles L.335-2 and subsequent of the French Intellectual Property Code.
Company name: PILOS SAS
Address: 35bis Rue de la Ferronnerie, Z.I de Bonnecombe 81200 MAZAMET - France
Manager: Mr. Nicolas BRUNEL, President
RCS Castres (SIRET): 891 613 606 00013
APE: 4791B
SAS with a capital of €50,000
VAT number: FR64 891613606
You have the right to access, rectify, and delete data concerning you. To exercise this right, you can contact us at the above address.
The products distributed by PILOS SAS are intended to improve the health, comfort, and well-being of your horse, animal, or yourself on a daily basis. They are not medicines. However, they are not harmless, and we recommend that you always refer to the instructions on the product packaging, especially for composition and dosage. Additionally, the doping nature of the products is not always mentioned by manufacturers. In case of doubt, PILOS SAS recommends that the client check with their veterinarian about the doping nature of any product before use. PILOS SAS cannot be held responsible for anti-doping safety issues.
OVH SAS with a capital of €10,069,020
RCS Lille Métropole 424 761 419 00045
APE Code: 2620Z
VAT number: FR 22 424 761 419
Head office: 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France
Website: - Hotline:
PILOS does not collect any personal or identifying information from clients other than what is provided, particularly for opening an account, publishing a comment, or sending a message. Data collected through Google advertising interest categories or audience data from third parties is not used.
In accordance with the French "Informatique et Libertés" (Data Protection) law of January 6, 1978, clients have the right to access, rectify, modify, and delete their data. This right can be exercised by sending an email to the webmaster at or by mailing a request to PILOS – 35bis rue de la Ferronnerie, Z.I de Bonnecombe 81200 MAZAMET – France.
The entire content of this website is governed by French copyright and intellectual property law. Any representation, reproduction, modification, commercial use, or transfer to another site is prohibited.
Hyperlinks may direct you to other websites than PILOS disclaims any responsibility if the content of these sites violates applicable legal or regulatory provisions.
The information contained on is strictly informative and may change without notice. It does not constitute any legal commitment or contractual agreement by PILOS. It cannot be considered as any form of guarantee.
PILOS cannot guarantee the operation of the website in all situations. PILOS may interrupt or suspend all or part of the site's functionalities, temporarily or permanently, at any time and for any reason, without prior notice.
Information about cookies
Welcome to, managed by PILOS.
To answer your questions about how cookies are used on our website, especially the origin and use of navigation data collected during your visit, we have created this section, following the recommendations of the "Guide to best practices for the use of advertising cookies" developed by the French Union of Direct and Digital Marketing. To provide more services and personalized content to better satisfy you, the site uses cookies.
What is a cookie?
When you visit, information about the navigation of your device (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.) on our site may be recorded in text files called "cookies," installed on your device, subject to your choices regarding cookies, which you can modify at any time.
Only the issuer of a cookie is able to read or modify the information contained within it.
Cookies that can be installed
When you log into our site, we may install various cookies on your device to recognize your browser during the cookie's validity period, allowing us to:
Establish statistics and traffic volumes for the various elements of our site, helping us improve the interest and usability of our services,
Adapt the site's presentation to your device's preferences (language, screen resolution, operating system, etc.) during your visits,
Remember information from a form you filled out on our site (registration or account access) or about the products, services, or information you've chosen,
Allow you to access restricted areas of our site, such as your Client Area, with the identifiers or data you've previously provided,
Implement security measures, such as requiring you to log in again after a certain period of time,
Tailor our offer to your browsing habits, recommending products,
If you've provided us with personal data, such as your contact details, when registering or accessing one of our services, we may combine browsing data from your device with your personal data to send you electronic solicitations or show personalized ads.
Third-party cookies
We would like to inform you that certain third-party companies may issue cookies from specific areas of our site. We do not control cookies placed by third parties. The issuance and use of cookies by these companies are governed by their policies.
Types of cookies used
Strictly necessary cookies: These are necessary for the website to function, such as adding products to your cart or accessing your client area.
Analytical cookies: They help us analyze activity on our site and improve performance and content presentation.
Functional cookies: They provide additional features, such as remembering previous choices on the site.
Social media cookies: These allow sharing of content or social media interactions with platforms like Facebook or Twitter.
Managing your cookie preferences
You can modify your cookie settings at any time by using your browser settings to accept or reject cookies. For specific guidance, please refer to the help section of your browser.
For more information on cookies, visit CNIL's website.